Monday, September 28, 2009


I have been a terrible blogger as of late for many reasons. 1. I have been running around like a mad woman. 2. Because I'm running around like a mad woman I have very little time to blog, and I'm also slightly stressed. 3. Slight stress causes me to focus on everything I have to do in a day, rather than focus on the silly song I wake up with. 4. No excuses, play like a champion. 5. This is all the blogging I can muster even now.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day Sixteen-Day Nineteen

So I'm getting progressively worse at updating. I do not blame my graduate studies (pshh...rrrriiight). I do not blame lack of songs (don't worry I got 'em). I do not blame laziness or disinterest (okay, maybe a little bit of this).

I blame the calibur/type of songs I am waking up to. Long story short: not worth anyone's time to know. Basically, the constant repetition of Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus on all the radio stations I have as my car's presets is killing me. KILLING MY SOUL.

Yep, that is pretty accurate.

So, instead of discussing the songs per usual, I shall discuss what I have been up to since Thursday.


Whatever I did during the day must not have been important, or I must have done nothing, because I recall nothing before 6:30pm. I swear I did something, but I really can't think of it. At 6:30pm I had my first Writing tutoring session in the student-athlete center. It was as successful as tutoring undergrads can be. Afterward is when the real fun began!

Andrew, Eboni, Julie, Daniel (the roomie), Mandy, her beau Chris, and I went to John Harvard's where I had my first pumpkin spice ale (their pumpkin spice ale, that is) of the season! Fun was had by all, including myself.

(PS--Love the new color behind the word thingy. Swanky, huh?)


Began with trip to MOMA to meet a woman, Wendy Gittler, who was going to give us an educational tour of the James Ensor show which closes tomorrow.

Here's a little James Ensor...


This is just a taste, but I really enjoyed his work, and the show. What is most amazing is that the majority of his work was done in the 1880s--which makes it especially innovative for the time.

Friday-Fun-Day-In-The-City also consisted of delicious Thai food at a place called Little Basil, followed by my very first Pinkberry experience!

Imagine this deliciousness, but with chocolate chips instead of blueberries...fruit is overrated!

After Pinkberry, Andrew, Miles and I went to a nonsense lecture on Art Deco artist George Barbier. The lecture was, I repeat, nonsense, but I do like Barbier's style. Here is a taste:

After the train ride back to Long Island, I pretty much passed out. Too much fun in one day tuckers this girl out.


Spent most of the day studying for the ominous comprehensive exam I have coming up on October 21. I state the date because you will definitely hear more about it and you will also probably notice a drop in posts (because I'm freaking out) or a rise in posts (because I am procrastinating and need a distraction.) So yes, I actually studied...a little.

Around 8pm Robin (a new PhD student at SB) arrived at mi casa and we decided to see what Port Jeff had to offer. Long story short for this one: THE ANSWER IS NOTHING. We did still manage to have fun...even if Robin and I danced in a non-dancing bar while Andrew, Charlie and Toni sat, drank and watched us. Oh, my life.


Since I drank a little too much last night, I naturally woke up before 9am, unable to fall back asleep. So, I began my day with a hike in Caleb Smith National Park and a trip to the Smithtown Heritage Fair. Both were thoroughly enjoyable.

As you can probably tell, I am losing steam on describing my life, so I shall continue this tomorrow....

Stay tuned and hopefully I'll have a better song to report in the morn!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day Thir-, Four-, & Fif-TEEN!

Day Thirteen: A Mega-Mix of Today's Female Pop Stars (Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Pink, etc.)
Day Fourteen: "Never Ever" by Ciara
Day Fifteen: ______________________

I hope that by laying out the past 3 days in Operation "Why-That-Tune" you can see why I have not posted. I actually have been avoiding it--and mostly for your sake.
Monday, the 14th, was Day Thirteen and I woke up with a sweet mega-mix of songs like "Love Story" by Miss Swift, "Please Don't Leave Me" by Pink, and "Waking Up in Vegas" by Miss Perry. I fully blame the MTV Video Music Awards (handy shortening: VMAs). I didn't actually watch the broadcast, but I did scour the internet for every possible video clip and photograph of the evening. I was full of shame then (Sunday night when I scoured)and Monday morning (when these poptastic tunes awoke me) and now, more shame than ever. Shame=lack of post=apology.
Also, this where I do a little RIP to Patrick Swayze. The only time I left the house on Monday was to go tutor some undergrads in art history at 8:30pm. I came back an hour later and Patrick Swayze was dead and memorials to him were all over every channel! So sad.
The following morning I awoke to a strange tune. And I said up above that it was Ciara's "Never Ever" but that is not entirely true. It was actually the tune/melody to "Never Ever" but with lyrics created in the dream I had just before waking--a dream that involved one of my very bestest buddies, Natalie (AKA-Nat Bat). Here she is:

We went to Newport.
Natalie was singing a song she was making up on the spot about not wanting to go to a private boarding school--one that her family and me would just leave her at--even on her birthday! 
Weird dream to say the least and I have NO IDEA how Ciara's "Never Ever" fit into it.
Still dumbfounded...
And here we are, at today. As you saw above, today was blank and represented by Krypton's entry in the periodic table of elements. You know what that means...alcohol and/or lack of sleep. And for once, this lush can claim it was actually more the latter that caused today's song absence.
Long story short--Class in Manhattan last night, went back to Miles' place before heading over to K-Rae's. White wine+fire escapes+Beatles Rock Band+My New Favorite Website= Bedtime at 3:30am. Up again at 8:30 to head back to LI. Shouldn't I be writing a thesis or something? 
See you tomorrow!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day Thirteen--"King of Wishful Thinking"

King of Wishful Thinking  
by Go West, 1990

Most of you should recognize this song from Pretty Woman. And if you don't, then you need to re-watch that classic film. Or, just watch this rocking video to remember the 90s goodness. Poor Go West--this was their one and only hit. I personally don't understand why--they are HOT.

I have realized that the majority of my morning songs deal with some sort of heartbreak..."Runaround Sue," "Makes Me Wonder," and this song. And I have also realized that these songs can never really sum up my life/day very well because, I am pleased to report, I'm never in a heartbroken state. So when these songs occur I just kind of chalk it up to watching too many romantic comedies and I thank my lucky stars I'm not greeted with songs like "Can't Touch This" or "Pass the Courvoisier" each and every morning.

Nothing really to report. Went to Ying Yang Chinese Buffet for lunch today then went to the Gallery North 44th Annual Outdoor Art Show. It was what you would expect--over-priced landscape and seascape paintings and over-priced big-bead-heavy jewelry.  However, there were some stands that weren't so bad. I actually purchased a photographic print of graffiti (the graffiti, not my print, pictured below) that is actually in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. There are dissenting opinions on the artist--some say Banksy and some say Nick Walker. Whoever it is, I love it.

So, that's about it. Went to the gym (work off some of that chinese buffet) and basically have been avoiding work the rest of the time. Highlight of the day (besides the print, the chinese buffet, the morning song, and that I'm currently watching Matrix Reloaded while wearing an old shirt of Mark's--man, all good) was this:

That's right. Super Twin Pop, Cherry-Flavored.
As the copywriters of Mad Men declared: "Take It. Break It. Share It. Love It."
I did all but Share It. Too good to share.
Well, I'm off! Have a great night all!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day Twelve--"Can't Touch This"

I don't know what is funnier: that I woke up with this song in my head OR the fact that the album is entitled "Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em." The only damage M.C. Hammer ever did to anyone, besides himself, was to their eardrums, or perhaps their sense of style. Now, don't get me wrong...I love this song and his pants just as much as the next person--but they are both pretty bad.

I'm currently on a roll with doing schoolwork (CRAZY, right?!), so I'm cutting this post short. But I plan on posting a little more on this ridiculous morning tune later. Til then...

Can't touch this.

Friday, September 11, 2009


What good is a blog if I can't post whenever I want about whatever I want?

Just saw this trailer on Huffington Post and I cannot wait to see the film! What a great (yet crazy and impossible for me to do) idea!

Check it out!

Day Eleven--"Runaround Sue"

Before discussing this morning's song, I feel the need to share this because I have a love for flash mobs that I cannot even verbally express...

Now I don't even like this song by the Black Eyed Peas or Oprah, in general, but I love flash mobs so much that I am willing to overlook it. I think I am going to have to write an academic paper on flash mobs. I think I could make it happen.

But back to the task at hand... "Runaround Sue"? Yep, that one came from left field considering in was released in 1961 by Dion DiMucci, backed by the Del-Satins, not the Belmonts--which you would expect (ya know, Dion and the Belmonts). Look at that stud...

So far, the only explanation I can come up with for how this song even entered my consciousness is by way of Mad Men, which I just recently watched the entire 2nd season of in under 72 hours. For the sake of images, and something to talk about (since I surely have nothing to say about "Runaround Sue"--except that I enjoy the song), I am going to give you a run-down of my least favorite characters and my favorite characters on Mad Men (granted-- this list is generated purely off of Seasons 1 & 2 so if my least favorites become likable and my favorites become evil in Season 3, I will happily change these favorites.)

Least Favorite Characters

Peter Campbell (Vincent Kartheiser), "Duck" Phillips (Mark Moses), and Betty Draper (January Jones)
Now, I'm sure the first two are completely understandable with Betty Draper being a little confusing.
She has a cheating husband, no life of her own--an overall sad existence--so I guess I should feel bad for her.
All three of these characters are overgrown children who mess with other people's lives because they hate their own.
And yes, I do care too much about fictional characters on Mad Men.

Favorite Characters

Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss), Ken Cosgrove (Aaron Staton), and Joan Holloway (Christina Hendricks)
Peggy had a secret baby and then left it with her mother and sister to take care of. Joan slept with the silver fox, Mr. Sterling. And well, Ken doesn't really do anything really wrong except hit on every female he sees. So why are these characters, who also do not-so-great things like all the others, my favorites? Because they are not babies. They are adults and conduct themselves as such. If any of you out there watch the show, you'll understand just how much that show is comprised of whining babies. These three--they are a breath of fresh air.

Well, that concludes today's installation of "Jessica Opinions on the Mundane that You Could Care Less About." So, "Runaround Sue" probably was in one of the episodes of Season 2, and if it wasn't than I am even more confused by it being on my morning soundtrack...but it's not like I haven't been surprised before.

I'm off to make some lunch and do real work (that I constantly avoid by updating this blog).
But remember...keep away from a Runaround Sue.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day Ten--"Help I'm Alive"

Metric--Help I'm Alive

I tremble
They're gonna eat me alive
If I stumble
They're gonna eat me alive

Can you hear my heart beating like a hammer?
Beating like a hammer?
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Hard to be soft
Tough to be tender

Come take my pulse, the pace is on a runaway train
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

If you're still alive
My regrets are few
If my life is mine
What shouldn't I do?
I get wherever I'm going
I get whatever I need
While my blood's still flowing
And my heart still beats...
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Hard to be soft
Tough to be tender

Come take my pulse, the pace is on a runaway train
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

If you're still alive
My regrets are few
If my life is mine
What shouldn't I do?
I get wherever I'm going
I get whatever I need
While my blood's still flowing
And my heart still beats...
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer

I downloaded this song last night. No surprise that I woke up with it in my head. And I'm glad I did. Today was a doozy and I needed a song like this to empower me. And if I go with my theory that each morning's song will somehow define/foreshadow my day, then this song would make sense for that reason too. Between Honda dealerships and residency (and thus, in-state tuition) denial, and crazy credit card charges I'm just about done--which is exactly why this post will be short and sweet.

But my heart keeps beating like a hammer...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day Nine--"Just Dance"

So I think I should not listen to the radio for a day...a whole day...just so I can get a song in my head that is not on America's Top 40. A la Lady Gaga's "Just Dance"--this morning's jam. (Also, I think Lady Gaga would approve of the color change for her name and her song. She just can't fit in like normal black type, now could she?)

On an unrelated, but very related note, today is 9.9.09. is having t-shirts on sale for $9. Beatles' Rock Band has just been released, as well as the film Nine. Yet, none of these phenomena compare to the fact that this is Day Nine of my little experiment. Fate, destiny, coincidence, accident, and/or none/all of the above? Whatever the case, I think it is pretty neat.

So besides Lady Gaga being EVERYWHERE, this particular song of hers ending up in my head makes complete sense. Why?

On Sunday, whilst hanging out with Andrew & Manbat (AKA-Mandy) at the wonderful establishment that is Chili's, the topic of Lady Gaga's gender came up. Mandy had heard she was both male and female and I quickly came to the defense of Miss Gaga and said it was just a rumor. Mandy protested, but then quickly moved on to say "Well, whatever she's working with doesn't change the fact that she references the scatological in 'Just Dance' so I don't like her." My response: "WHAT?!?" (Verbatim.) She said "You know...(She begins singing) 'Just dance, gonna be okay..gotta doo-doo." I laughed out loud and said "Wrong again Mandy." I will admit that it sounds like that, BUT it isn't. And she is in fact, just scatting, jazz-style. (But now, looking back on the situation, scatological vs. scatting--eerily similar--discuss.)

So, long story short, I am Lady Gaga's Protector and Mandy is always wrong. Also, I'm convinced this is why I wound up with this song in my head today.

As far as prophecy goes, I feel like "Just Dance" sums up everyday of my life. Because, after all, it is gonna be okay, if i just dance. So, today, I shall make a point of dancing when something doesn't go my way. Let's just hope for everybody's sake that I'm in the privacy of my own bedroom. Don't want to shock the public with what I'm twerkin' with.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day Seven & Eight

First: my sincerest apologies for not updating yesterday. I know all of you out there (all 2 of you--those two being my mother and Mark) were probably lost without a post from the peanut gallery.

UNRELATED, RANDOM SIDE-NOTE: I just wikipedia-ed the term "peanut gallery" because it didn't sound right as I typed it and I just kind of assumed peanut gallery was just another way of saying crazy person/people because of the way I've always heard it used. It's not. The "peanut gallery" is a crowd or audience that heckles the performer. Don't believe me? Check it out. And yes, I don't feel the need to fact-check this at all. Wikipedia makes it so!

Alright, so back to apologizing to my avid readership. I did not post yesterday because I actually was kind of disappointed with the song. It was so predictable--so obvious. And here's why...

by Alanis Morissette

Quite possibly THE best angry chick rock anthem of all time. And it was so obvious because for about a year now, Miles, K-Rae and I have talked about going to this bar on the Lower East Side called Arlene's Grocery for LIVE Rock 'n' Roll Karaoke, which they have on Monday nights. We have been talking about it for a year and trying to coordinate our schedules so we can actually go and FINALLY, yesterday was the day.

So what is LIVE Rock 'n' Roll Karaoke you ask? Well, it's not really karaoke at all--no television screens with bad graphics, no cheesy MC/DJ, no singers who shouldn't be singing (seriously.) It is basically like you are the lead singer of a cover band for one song. AND IT IS AWESOME!

So what does this have to do with Alanis Morissette?

WELL, as soon as we set our date for Arlene's for Labor Day I have been contemplating what song I would sing. Because, for those of you out there that actually know me, Karaoke is up there on the list of my favorite hobbies/pastimes. And, after looking at the set list, it was decided: "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette. Not necessarily because I'm a huge fan of the song as a karaoke song, but because it was one of the few songs I felt I could perform confidently. So, on Sunday night, when I laid my head down to rest, I was singing to older version of me, is she perverted like me... So, Monday morning, when I awoke I was not so surprised to hear it still playing in my head.

Now to the important stuff...

(Since there are few pictures in this post, I thought I'd spice things up with a font color change.
I'm a wild woman.)

We arrived at Arlene's around 10pm, which is when this whole LIVE karaoke business is set to begin, and the room is packed and the fun has already begun. I was torn between my two loves (alcohol and karaoke)--do I sign up to sing first or get a $3 Miller Lite Draft (insanely cheap for NY) first? I got the beer first and then beelined for the corner of the room where the book and sign-up clipboard were. This little corner is where K-Rae, Miles, Miles' roomie Zach, and I would stay and become the MCs favorite and most enthusiastic patrons.

The only thing I can say about the experience that followed is that you have to see it to believe it. It was AWESOME. I loved every second of it (especially the seconds when I was barefoot instead of wearing my very painful heels). It was like going to a live show, but better in some way because every singer was so different--but all EXCELLENT.

So, did I sing "You Oughta Know"? Well, no. They don't allow repeats and someone else had already signed up for it. After I convinced myself to not hate this person that stole my song, I decided on singing "Purple Rain" instead. And I'm glad. Not necessarily because I think I performed "Purple Rain" better than I would have performed "You Oughta Know", but because the woman who actually sang "You Oughta Know" was pregnant and rocked out in such a way that I was happy the unborn baby got to have that experience. I talked to her in the bathroom later in the evening (the pregnant lady, not the unborn baby) and she informed me that the baby was in fact a girl and that she LOVES rocking out in Club Womb. That little girl is going to grow up loving Alanis and I am happy for that.

Gotta love Prince and the Revolution

Around 1am, Arlene's shuts down the karaoke and that section of the bar. Epic sadness to leave, especially since I was second to last to perform and K-Rae closed down the joint with "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" so both of our adrenaline levels were up and we were ready to party right as they were kicking us out! SO, we followed the Arlene's pack to a nearby bar, Pianos, where the karaoke (but more like the regular kind) continued. We danced, and drank, and I sang "What's Up" by the 4 Non-Blondes (my go-to karaoke song), danced more, drank more...

Which brings me to today...

Day Eight:___________________

I have found the Kryptonite to the every-morning-song-in-the-head-phenomenon.
It's name could also be not sleeping well on K-Rae's couch because of phone calls and crazy screaming black women outside her window and sunlight and cable/internet installers moving the couch I'm sleeping on to install said cable/internet. Yeah, there are many factors.

You ever just have a really loud headache?

Well, for those reasons, I did not hear a song when I woke up this morning...which I guess is a good thing because it means this very long post will be shorter. It means this post is done-zo.

See you tomorrow kiddies!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day Six--"Money"

Money by Pink Floyd
Lyrics Obtained from this Website

Money, get away.
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay.
Money, it's a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team.

Money, get back.
I'm all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, it's a hit.
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit.
I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet.

Money, it's a crime.
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise that they're
giving none away.

(Didn't know that this was muttered at the end, but it is. Trust me.)
"HuHuh! I was in the right!"
"Yes, absolutely in the right!"
"I certainly was in the right!"
"You was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for a
"Why does anyone do anything?"
"I don't know, I was really drunk at the time!"
"I was just telling him, he couldn't get into number 2. He was asking
why he wasn't coming up on freely, after I was yelling and
screaming and telling him why he wasn't coming up on freely.
It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out."

I am happy to report that I feel somewhat redeemed for having something non-pop/hip-hop wake me up this morning. AND not only is Pink Floyd a slightly more respectable musical artist, BUT this song also makes sense for more reasons than something like "Pass the Courvoisier."

Here goes:

1. Money just so happens to be on my mind because the lovely establishment, that is Stony Brook University, has yet to give me my loan reimbursement. SO! Although it may be the root of all evil, I would like to get paid!

2. Also, as a slight foreshadowing, the wonderful Mandy Bates, a dear friend that obtained her Master's in art history last May from SB, required $2 today when visiting P.S.1. Contemporary Art Center with Andrew and I and neither Andrew or I were quick to give it up. Now, this does not put Andrew OR I in a positive light, but it is the truth nontheless. AND I think it is exactly the point of this popular Pink Floyd song. Everyone has money (especially a measly $2), but no one wants to share...Sad, but mostly true. (NOTE: I did end up sharing the $2, which she promptly repaid me for at dinner. Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie.)

3. As usual, this particular example of foreshadowing is quite a stretch. BUT, this stretch allows my theory to continue AND it allows me to post the following video, which I think is amazing. As anyone who has listened to "Money" can attest--the song is full of interesting and appropriate sounds. You know what else produces interesting, yet appropriate, sounds?!? BEAT-BOXING. Cue Video:

Note: Found this video because I follow Danny Masterson (from "That 70's Show) on Twitter and he said this girl would be his next ex-wife. My curiosity was tapped.

So, much more exciting than Today's Tune is what I did today! Andrew, Mandy and I went to Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, Queens, NY, as well as P.S.1. which I mentioned above. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day:

The three pictures above are from Socrates Sculpture Park. Most of the items (excluding the sculpture in image numero uno) are just being installed so names of artists/works was not yet provided. The second sculpture was great.
Rat + pigeon + poop
= brilliant. And the 3rd sculpture was interesting to say the least. The most interesting part was the license plates. Both from NH (so they said Live Free or Die), the back saying "FREEFALL" and the front saying "FREE4ALL." A dollar for anyone who can explain what that means.

Like I said, most works were "in progress"--which includes the silver fire pit. I just thought this one was silly...and silly can be good. The image that follows--of the caution tape--was more to represent how "in progress" everything really was. Oh how artistic I can be...

My favorite sculpture by far. I could go on for far too long about why this was the smartest piece there, and, thus, the best, but I'll spare you. Just know that I love it and there is good reason!

I have many more photos of this adventure, and to spare those of you that don't care, and to spare myself the trouble of adding them all here, I have decided to start a Picasa account.That's more social networking account...YIPPEE!!! (And yes I know, Flickr is better...but Picasa allows more space initially. So deal with it!) If you want to see more of the sculpture park and P.S.1, feel free to check out the Picasa.

Well, I've been writing most of this post during a Scrabble game with the roomies, so I'm going to concentrate on that now so I can whoop Daniel who is in the lead. That geezer was cruising for a bruising.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day Five--"Makes Me Wonder"

"Wake up with bloodshot eyes..." is perhaps the only line from Maroon 5's song "Makes Me Wonder" that actually makes any sense. Well, that and the title.

Why the bloodshot eyes you ask? Well, for some inexplicable reason I awoke at 5am having what I feel was an allergic reaction. To what? God only knows. I went to sleep at 2am and at 5am I woke up wheezing, unable to catch my breath, and itchy all over. Strange right? I thought so...I guess you could say it "makes me wonder."

I finally fell back asleep around 8am, just 2 hours before I had to be up to see Extract, the new Jason Bateman film with my new roomie, Daniel, and Eboni. We were going to the 10:35am show (we agreed the earliest we each had ever gone to the theater) so we could get tickets for a mere $6. Here are some posters to give you a little insight into the film that I would rate a 7 on a scale of 1-10.

The comment above Kristen Wiig's head is by far the best, in my opinion. So, as I was saying, I am a sleep-deprived mess, which is why the bloodshot eyes comment is the only thing that makes sense--especially since the rest of the song is about moving on from a chick and needing something new to believe in. I don't really relate.

However, the strange sleep schedule did give me more insight into this little ditty-phenomenon. When I awoke at 5am, "Makes Me Wonder" was already in my head. I went back to sleep, awoke for a second time, and still the same catchy pop tune. So, my conclusion is that these songs (however random and varied they might be) are more from my subconscious than from my conscious-self recalling them each morning. Again, a theory--and I'm not theorist--but as Adam Levine says "it makes me wonder."

Well, I think this is a pretty incoherent post, but I hope you caught the drift. I'm off to nap. I'll keep you posted if nap time sleep changes the song. Goodnight!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day Four--"Pass the Courvoisier"

Now, that's what I call a killer combo.

I know what you're thinking...

You just read the subject of this post and saw the pictures and have reached the conclusion that there is no way in hell that this song could predict the day that follows. And you'd be right.

More and more I'm realizing that this little theory of mine--the theory being that the song I wake up with in my head on a given morning somehow foreshadows the rest of the day--is not so likely. However, I shall continue to document these morning tunes until I no longer hear them.

So, back to the song of this particular morning...

"Pass the Courvoisier"--by Busta Rhymes, with assistance from P.Diddy and Pharrell. The video also has many cameos, which include Mr. T and Mo'Nique to name a couple. I have decided to provide it here for your viewing pleasure. Also, if someone could provide the name for a song, to which the video makes less sense than this one, I will give you a cookie.

So, reasoning for this particular song? None. Except that I had a few beers last night so perhaps my body wanted to keep the party going tonight, but this time with Courvoisier. Speaking of last night, I had a great beer by one of my favorite breweries: Smuttynose Brewery, from Portsmouth, NH. I recommend everyone to try this beer this Fall if they can get their hands on it... (Also, coat the rim of the glass with cinnamon and brown sugar. It is delicious.)

So, besides my body confirming that I am, in fact, a lush, I have no clue why Busta Bust's 2002 hit would have entered my brain. And it certainly did not predict my day--which unfortunately did not include and hip-hop video groupies, ridiculous amounts of bling, or jean/fur apparel--but merely consisted of getting my seat belt buckle replaced and a trip to an undisclosed location to obtain a birthday present for my dear Pidge (aka-the fiance.)

With nothing else to hypothesize, I fear this will be the end of a very uneventful post, but I do hope the ridiculous Flipmode Squad music video featured above will provide the entertainment that I could not provide. It may just "make you wanna JUMP! JUMP!"