Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day Seven & Eight

First: my sincerest apologies for not updating yesterday. I know all of you out there (all 2 of you--those two being my mother and Mark) were probably lost without a post from the peanut gallery.

UNRELATED, RANDOM SIDE-NOTE: I just wikipedia-ed the term "peanut gallery" because it didn't sound right as I typed it and I just kind of assumed peanut gallery was just another way of saying crazy person/people because of the way I've always heard it used. It's not. The "peanut gallery" is a crowd or audience that heckles the performer. Don't believe me? Check it out. And yes, I don't feel the need to fact-check this at all. Wikipedia makes it so!

Alright, so back to apologizing to my avid readership. I did not post yesterday because I actually was kind of disappointed with the song. It was so predictable--so obvious. And here's why...

by Alanis Morissette

Quite possibly THE best angry chick rock anthem of all time. And it was so obvious because for about a year now, Miles, K-Rae and I have talked about going to this bar on the Lower East Side called Arlene's Grocery for LIVE Rock 'n' Roll Karaoke, which they have on Monday nights. We have been talking about it for a year and trying to coordinate our schedules so we can actually go and FINALLY, yesterday was the day.

So what is LIVE Rock 'n' Roll Karaoke you ask? Well, it's not really karaoke at all--no television screens with bad graphics, no cheesy MC/DJ, no singers who shouldn't be singing (seriously.) It is basically like you are the lead singer of a cover band for one song. AND IT IS AWESOME!

So what does this have to do with Alanis Morissette?

WELL, as soon as we set our date for Arlene's for Labor Day I have been contemplating what song I would sing. Because, for those of you out there that actually know me, Karaoke is up there on the list of my favorite hobbies/pastimes. And, after looking at the set list, it was decided: "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette. Not necessarily because I'm a huge fan of the song as a karaoke song, but because it was one of the few songs I felt I could perform confidently. So, on Sunday night, when I laid my head down to rest, I was singing to myself...an older version of me, is she perverted like me... So, Monday morning, when I awoke I was not so surprised to hear it still playing in my head.

Now to the important stuff...

(Since there are few pictures in this post, I thought I'd spice things up with a font color change.
I'm a wild woman.)

We arrived at Arlene's around 10pm, which is when this whole LIVE karaoke business is set to begin, and the room is packed and the fun has already begun. I was torn between my two loves (alcohol and karaoke)--do I sign up to sing first or get a $3 Miller Lite Draft (insanely cheap for NY) first? I got the beer first and then beelined for the corner of the room where the book and sign-up clipboard were. This little corner is where K-Rae, Miles, Miles' roomie Zach, and I would stay and become the MCs favorite and most enthusiastic patrons.

The only thing I can say about the experience that followed is that you have to see it to believe it. It was AWESOME. I loved every second of it (especially the seconds when I was barefoot instead of wearing my very painful heels). It was like going to a live show, but better in some way because every singer was so different--but all EXCELLENT.

So, did I sing "You Oughta Know"? Well, no. They don't allow repeats and someone else had already signed up for it. After I convinced myself to not hate this person that stole my song, I decided on singing "Purple Rain" instead. And I'm glad. Not necessarily because I think I performed "Purple Rain" better than I would have performed "You Oughta Know", but because the woman who actually sang "You Oughta Know" was pregnant and rocked out in such a way that I was happy the unborn baby got to have that experience. I talked to her in the bathroom later in the evening (the pregnant lady, not the unborn baby) and she informed me that the baby was in fact a girl and that she LOVES rocking out in Club Womb. That little girl is going to grow up loving Alanis and I am happy for that.

Gotta love Prince and the Revolution

Around 1am, Arlene's shuts down the karaoke and that section of the bar. Epic sadness to leave, especially since I was second to last to perform and K-Rae closed down the joint with "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" so both of our adrenaline levels were up and we were ready to party right as they were kicking us out! SO, we followed the Arlene's pack to a nearby bar, Pianos, where the karaoke (but more like the regular kind) continued. We danced, and drank, and I sang "What's Up" by the 4 Non-Blondes (my go-to karaoke song), danced more, drank more...

Which brings me to today...

Day Eight:___________________

I have found the Kryptonite to the every-morning-song-in-the-head-phenomenon.
It's name could also be not sleeping well on K-Rae's couch because of phone calls and crazy screaming black women outside her window and sunlight and cable/internet installers moving the couch I'm sleeping on to install said cable/internet. Yeah, there are many factors.

You ever just have a really loud headache?

Well, for those reasons, I did not hear a song when I woke up this morning...which I guess is a good thing because it means this very long post will be shorter. It means this post is done-zo.

See you tomorrow kiddies!

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