Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day Sixteen-Day Nineteen

So I'm getting progressively worse at updating. I do not blame my graduate studies (pshh...rrrriiight). I do not blame lack of songs (don't worry I got 'em). I do not blame laziness or disinterest (okay, maybe a little bit of this).

I blame the calibur/type of songs I am waking up to. Long story short: not worth anyone's time to know. Basically, the constant repetition of Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus on all the radio stations I have as my car's presets is killing me. KILLING MY SOUL.

Yep, that is pretty accurate.

So, instead of discussing the songs per usual, I shall discuss what I have been up to since Thursday.


Whatever I did during the day must not have been important, or I must have done nothing, because I recall nothing before 6:30pm. I swear I did something, but I really can't think of it. At 6:30pm I had my first Writing tutoring session in the student-athlete center. It was as successful as tutoring undergrads can be. Afterward is when the real fun began!

Andrew, Eboni, Julie, Daniel (the roomie), Mandy, her beau Chris, and I went to John Harvard's where I had my first pumpkin spice ale (their pumpkin spice ale, that is) of the season! Fun was had by all, including myself.

(PS--Love the new color behind the word thingy. Swanky, huh?)


Began with trip to MOMA to meet a woman, Wendy Gittler, who was going to give us an educational tour of the James Ensor show which closes tomorrow.

Here's a little James Ensor...


This is just a taste, but I really enjoyed his work, and the show. What is most amazing is that the majority of his work was done in the 1880s--which makes it especially innovative for the time.

Friday-Fun-Day-In-The-City also consisted of delicious Thai food at a place called Little Basil, followed by my very first Pinkberry experience!

Imagine this deliciousness, but with chocolate chips instead of blueberries...fruit is overrated!

After Pinkberry, Andrew, Miles and I went to a nonsense lecture on Art Deco artist George Barbier. The lecture was, I repeat, nonsense, but I do like Barbier's style. Here is a taste:

After the train ride back to Long Island, I pretty much passed out. Too much fun in one day tuckers this girl out.


Spent most of the day studying for the ominous comprehensive exam I have coming up on October 21. I state the date because you will definitely hear more about it and you will also probably notice a drop in posts (because I'm freaking out) or a rise in posts (because I am procrastinating and need a distraction.) So yes, I actually studied...a little.

Around 8pm Robin (a new PhD student at SB) arrived at mi casa and we decided to see what Port Jeff had to offer. Long story short for this one: THE ANSWER IS NOTHING. We did still manage to have fun...even if Robin and I danced in a non-dancing bar while Andrew, Charlie and Toni sat, drank and watched us. Oh, my life.


Since I drank a little too much last night, I naturally woke up before 9am, unable to fall back asleep. So, I began my day with a hike in Caleb Smith National Park and a trip to the Smithtown Heritage Fair. Both were thoroughly enjoyable.

As you can probably tell, I am losing steam on describing my life, so I shall continue this tomorrow....

Stay tuned and hopefully I'll have a better song to report in the morn!

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