Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day Thir-, Four-, & Fif-TEEN!

Day Thirteen: A Mega-Mix of Today's Female Pop Stars (Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Pink, etc.)
Day Fourteen: "Never Ever" by Ciara
Day Fifteen: ______________________

I hope that by laying out the past 3 days in Operation "Why-That-Tune" you can see why I have not posted. I actually have been avoiding it--and mostly for your sake.
Monday, the 14th, was Day Thirteen and I woke up with a sweet mega-mix of songs like "Love Story" by Miss Swift, "Please Don't Leave Me" by Pink, and "Waking Up in Vegas" by Miss Perry. I fully blame the MTV Video Music Awards (handy shortening: VMAs). I didn't actually watch the broadcast, but I did scour the internet for every possible video clip and photograph of the evening. I was full of shame then (Sunday night when I scoured)and Monday morning (when these poptastic tunes awoke me) and now, more shame than ever. Shame=lack of post=apology.
Also, this where I do a little RIP to Patrick Swayze. The only time I left the house on Monday was to go tutor some undergrads in art history at 8:30pm. I came back an hour later and Patrick Swayze was dead and memorials to him were all over every channel! So sad.
The following morning I awoke to a strange tune. And I said up above that it was Ciara's "Never Ever" but that is not entirely true. It was actually the tune/melody to "Never Ever" but with lyrics created in the dream I had just before waking--a dream that involved one of my very bestest buddies, Natalie (AKA-Nat Bat). Here she is:

We went to Newport.
Natalie was singing a song she was making up on the spot about not wanting to go to a private boarding school--one that her family and me would just leave her at--even on her birthday! 
Weird dream to say the least and I have NO IDEA how Ciara's "Never Ever" fit into it.
Still dumbfounded...
And here we are, at today. As you saw above, today was blank and represented by Krypton's entry in the periodic table of elements. You know what that means...alcohol and/or lack of sleep. And for once, this lush can claim it was actually more the latter that caused today's song absence.
Long story short--Class in Manhattan last night, went back to Miles' place before heading over to K-Rae's. White wine+fire escapes+Beatles Rock Band+My New Favorite Website= Bedtime at 3:30am. Up again at 8:30 to head back to LI. Shouldn't I be writing a thesis or something? 
See you tomorrow!

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