Friday, September 11, 2009

Day Eleven--"Runaround Sue"

Before discussing this morning's song, I feel the need to share this because I have a love for flash mobs that I cannot even verbally express...

Now I don't even like this song by the Black Eyed Peas or Oprah, in general, but I love flash mobs so much that I am willing to overlook it. I think I am going to have to write an academic paper on flash mobs. I think I could make it happen.

But back to the task at hand... "Runaround Sue"? Yep, that one came from left field considering in was released in 1961 by Dion DiMucci, backed by the Del-Satins, not the Belmonts--which you would expect (ya know, Dion and the Belmonts). Look at that stud...

So far, the only explanation I can come up with for how this song even entered my consciousness is by way of Mad Men, which I just recently watched the entire 2nd season of in under 72 hours. For the sake of images, and something to talk about (since I surely have nothing to say about "Runaround Sue"--except that I enjoy the song), I am going to give you a run-down of my least favorite characters and my favorite characters on Mad Men (granted-- this list is generated purely off of Seasons 1 & 2 so if my least favorites become likable and my favorites become evil in Season 3, I will happily change these favorites.)

Least Favorite Characters

Peter Campbell (Vincent Kartheiser), "Duck" Phillips (Mark Moses), and Betty Draper (January Jones)
Now, I'm sure the first two are completely understandable with Betty Draper being a little confusing.
She has a cheating husband, no life of her own--an overall sad existence--so I guess I should feel bad for her.
All three of these characters are overgrown children who mess with other people's lives because they hate their own.
And yes, I do care too much about fictional characters on Mad Men.

Favorite Characters

Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss), Ken Cosgrove (Aaron Staton), and Joan Holloway (Christina Hendricks)
Peggy had a secret baby and then left it with her mother and sister to take care of. Joan slept with the silver fox, Mr. Sterling. And well, Ken doesn't really do anything really wrong except hit on every female he sees. So why are these characters, who also do not-so-great things like all the others, my favorites? Because they are not babies. They are adults and conduct themselves as such. If any of you out there watch the show, you'll understand just how much that show is comprised of whining babies. These three--they are a breath of fresh air.

Well, that concludes today's installation of "Jessica Opinions on the Mundane that You Could Care Less About." So, "Runaround Sue" probably was in one of the episodes of Season 2, and if it wasn't than I am even more confused by it being on my morning soundtrack...but it's not like I haven't been surprised before.

I'm off to make some lunch and do real work (that I constantly avoid by updating this blog).
But remember...keep away from a Runaround Sue.

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