Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day Six--"Money"

Money by Pink Floyd
Lyrics Obtained from this Website

Money, get away.
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay.
Money, it's a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team.

Money, get back.
I'm all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, it's a hit.
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit.
I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet.

Money, it's a crime.
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise that they're
giving none away.

(Didn't know that this was muttered at the end, but it is. Trust me.)
"HuHuh! I was in the right!"
"Yes, absolutely in the right!"
"I certainly was in the right!"
"You was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for a
"Why does anyone do anything?"
"I don't know, I was really drunk at the time!"
"I was just telling him, he couldn't get into number 2. He was asking
why he wasn't coming up on freely, after I was yelling and
screaming and telling him why he wasn't coming up on freely.
It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out."

I am happy to report that I feel somewhat redeemed for having something non-pop/hip-hop wake me up this morning. AND not only is Pink Floyd a slightly more respectable musical artist, BUT this song also makes sense for more reasons than something like "Pass the Courvoisier."

Here goes:

1. Money just so happens to be on my mind because the lovely establishment, that is Stony Brook University, has yet to give me my loan reimbursement. SO! Although it may be the root of all evil, I would like to get paid!

2. Also, as a slight foreshadowing, the wonderful Mandy Bates, a dear friend that obtained her Master's in art history last May from SB, required $2 today when visiting P.S.1. Contemporary Art Center with Andrew and I and neither Andrew or I were quick to give it up. Now, this does not put Andrew OR I in a positive light, but it is the truth nontheless. AND I think it is exactly the point of this popular Pink Floyd song. Everyone has money (especially a measly $2), but no one wants to share...Sad, but mostly true. (NOTE: I did end up sharing the $2, which she promptly repaid me for at dinner. Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie.)

3. As usual, this particular example of foreshadowing is quite a stretch. BUT, this stretch allows my theory to continue AND it allows me to post the following video, which I think is amazing. As anyone who has listened to "Money" can attest--the song is full of interesting and appropriate sounds. You know what else produces interesting, yet appropriate, sounds?!? BEAT-BOXING. Cue Video:

Note: Found this video because I follow Danny Masterson (from "That 70's Show) on Twitter and he said this girl would be his next ex-wife. My curiosity was tapped.

So, much more exciting than Today's Tune is what I did today! Andrew, Mandy and I went to Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, Queens, NY, as well as P.S.1. which I mentioned above. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day:

The three pictures above are from Socrates Sculpture Park. Most of the items (excluding the sculpture in image numero uno) are just being installed so names of artists/works was not yet provided. The second sculpture was great.
Rat + pigeon + poop
= brilliant. And the 3rd sculpture was interesting to say the least. The most interesting part was the license plates. Both from NH (so they said Live Free or Die), the back saying "FREEFALL" and the front saying "FREE4ALL." A dollar for anyone who can explain what that means.

Like I said, most works were "in progress"--which includes the silver fire pit. I just thought this one was silly...and silly can be good. The image that follows--of the caution tape--was more to represent how "in progress" everything really was. Oh how artistic I can be...

My favorite sculpture by far. I could go on for far too long about why this was the smartest piece there, and, thus, the best, but I'll spare you. Just know that I love it and there is good reason!

I have many more photos of this adventure, and to spare those of you that don't care, and to spare myself the trouble of adding them all here, I have decided to start a Picasa account.That's more social networking account...YIPPEE!!! (And yes I know, Flickr is better...but Picasa allows more space initially. So deal with it!) If you want to see more of the sculpture park and P.S.1, feel free to check out the Picasa.

Well, I've been writing most of this post during a Scrabble game with the roomies, so I'm going to concentrate on that now so I can whoop Daniel who is in the lead. That geezer was cruising for a bruising.

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